Past conferences
Committees and issues
ILYMUN 2024: Rights and freedoms
General Assembly
Eradicating discrimination: valuing diversity and promoting inclusion
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
Child soldiers
Right to education
Technology Committee
Eradicating discrimination: valuing diversity and promoting inclusion
Special conference
Freedom of Press
Freedom of Speech
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Exploitation and trafficking
Rights of prisoners
Historic Security Council
Freedom of Press
Freedom of Speech
World health organization (WHO)
Access to sexual and reproductive health-care services
Newborn health
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - UNHCR
Freedom of movement
Resettlement and Integration
Action Assembly
Access to sexual and reproductive health-care services
Newborn health
Security council
Israel-Palestine conflict
China-Taiwan conflict
United Nations Women
Violence against women
Equal opportunities for leadership
International Court of Justice - ICJ
ILYMUN 2023: Rights and freedoms
General Assembly
The United Nations: is our common assembly relevant today and how will it be so tomorrow?
Special Conference
What is Sovereignty in a Globalised World?
Youth Conference
Sovereignty and the United Nations
Security Council
The militarization of Atolls in the South China Sea
The Russia-Ukraine Conflict
Economic Committee
Regulating GAFAM and Multinational Organisations
The Pollution Market
Arctic Council
Territorial Disputes in the Arctic
Sovereignty of Indigenous Peoples and Sharing Resources
Historic Security Council
Kosovo War: Reaction to the Gornje Obrinje Massacre (October 1, 1998)
East Timor Conflict (December 8, 1975)
Iran-Iraq War (September 24, 1980)
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
Claiming Territory in Outer Space
Space Race: the Role of Public and Private entities
Action Assembly - AA
Transnational Corporations in a Globalized World
Sovereignty and Transnational Corporations
Migration due to Rising Sea Levels
Integration while Maintaining Ethnicity
African Union
Breaking the Cycle of Dependency
Foreign Interests and African Resources
International Court of Justice - ICJ
Alleged Violations of Sovereign Rights and Maritime Spaces in the Caribbean Sea: Nicaragua vs Colombia
General Assembly
Protecting the Democratic Process
Technology: Both Propagating and Fighting Extremism
Historical Security Council
Gulf War
Revelations of Edward Snowden
The Rwandan Genocide: April to July 1994
Council of the European Union
GAFAM: Protecting Europe’s digital sovereignty and integrity
Connectivity: The challenge of creating a 5G wireless network, targeting areas with little or no network coverage
UNESCO- Focus on Press
Protection of Whistleblowers and Journalists
Free and Fair Press
Human Rights
Censorship and Misinformation
Control of Personal Information
Invisible Pollution of Cyber Activity
Materials for Cyber Activity: Resources and Waste
Artificial Intelligence
World Health Organisation
Health and the Cyber World
Data: Strengthening Collection, Accuracy and Diffusion
Ethics of Internet
Equity and Empowerment in/through the Internet
Transparency and Accountability in Cyber Finances
Work in the Cyber World: Inclusive, Sustainable and Decent
Action Assembly
Action Assembly
Internet relationships
Activism on social media
The relationship between between digital press and the public opinion
Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections:
USA vs Russian Federation
Execution of the Iranian General by a U.S. drone strike:
Iran vs USA
Youth Committee
Cyber Security
Invisible Pollution of Cyber
Materiels for cyber activity Resources and Waste
General Assembly
Marine Biodiversity
Security Council
Tackling Organised Crime at Sea
The South China Sea
Water Scarcity
Historical Security Council
Suez Canal Crisis: 1956
Turkish Invasion of Cyprus: 1974
Falkland Islands War: 1982
Arctic Waters
Transboundary Waters
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Conservation and Management of Freshwater Sources
Science and Technology
Improving Ocean Health
Water as a Sustainable Resource
Human Rights
Embedding Gender Equity in Water Policies
Governance of Indigenous Peoples Water Supply
Disaster Relief
Extraction, Trade and Allocation of Water Sources
Prevention and Management of Droughts
World Health Organisation
Guaranteeing Water Safety
Water Scarcity
Action Assembly
Water Over-Consumption; Water Pollution; Sanitation
Special Conference: Focus on Islands
Special Conference: Complete Research Report
General Assembly
The Respect of the Fundamental Rights endowed to all by the charter of the United Nations
Security Council
The issue of the Rohingya people
Working towards a unified Bosnia Herzegovina
The right of nations to have nuclear arms
Historical Security Council
The recognition of the state of Israel and its membership in the UN; May 1948
Drafting the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty; August 25, 1967
Rwandan genocide; April 30, 1994
Sharing global resources
This committee will work towards the creation of multiple resolutions regarding specific resources (water, minerals, forests, oil, etc.)
The pollution “market”
Sustainable development: a balance between economic growth and the protection of natural resources and ecosystems
Equality in the workplace
Reducing poverty as a step towards equity
Reducing discrimination
Universal healthcare
Human Rights
Police brutality and discrimination of minorities
The protection and the rights of migrants
Special Conference: Focus on Children
Healthcare and mortality rates
Protecting the rights of the child
Action Assembly
Gender inequalities
Unequal access to culture
Unequal access to health
Special Conference: Focus on Women
Reducing gender inequalities
Empowering women
General Assembly
Securing cities against acts of terrorism
Security Council
The protection of civilians in civilian war zones, Aleppo, Syria
The question of Chechnya, Russia
Securing cities against acts of terrorism
Historical Security Council
Korean War: June 25th 1950
Cambodia: 30th April 1977
Approaches to preserving cultural heritage within urban areas
Protecting UNESCO historical cities from ravages of war and siege
The issue of informal settlement in rapidly developing urban areas in LEDCs
The implementation of the goals of Agenda21 in urban areas of LEDCs
Meeting the demands of an ageing population in cities
Problems faced by megacities
Measures supporting cleaner and greener cities
Climate change and disaster risk in cities
Science and Technology
The use of renewable energy sources in cities
The question of smart cities
Special Human Rights Conference
Protecting the rights of refugees in cities
Providing equal access to basic services
International Court of Justice
War crimes in Aleppo, Syria
Action Assembly
Integration of marginalised people
Integration of young migrants in cities
Cities studied:
General Assembly
Click here to access the research report
Security Council
Technological governance and democracy Click here to access the research report
Cyber warfare Click here to access the research report
Issue of security vs. privacy Click here to access the research report
Protecting heritage sites from armed conflicts Click here to access the research report
Cultural Memory
Mass media’s effect on culture Click here to access the research report
Protecting heritage sites for and from tourism Click here to access the research report
Claims to historical artifacts and documents Click here to access the research report
Resource Management
The issue of the “brain drain” Click here to access the research report
Managing food distribution Click here to access the research report
Managing ocean resources Click here to access the research report
Reducing technological disparities to promote economic equality Click here to access the research report
Economic power of technology Click here to access the research report
Fighting poverty and inequality in a globalized society Click here to access the research report
Cultural Identity
Protecting and promoting indigenous cultures
Fighting human trafficking and providing safe migration
Rights of refugees
Human Rights
Liberty of thought and expression
Science and Technology
Equality of access to the digital world
The place of ethics in science