The essential role played by the General Assembly in the United Nations

Elisa Verdier

The UN (United Nations) was founded on the 24th of October 1945 in San Francisco (California), along with its five permanent security council members (US, UK, Soviet Union - now Russia, China, and France), who signed and ratified the San Francisco chart to promote peace between the leading countries. At that time, the aftermath of the two world wars had devastated the world, and leaders were yearning for stability as the pain was felt throughout the population. Over the years, more countries joined this alliance, and multiple diplomatic relations emerged. The United Nations' main goals remain international peace and security, giving humanitarian help to those in need, protecting human rights, and upholding international laws. The UN proactively reacts to any uprising challenge in the world by the active participation of its member states. These goals are obtained through fostering relationships and engaging in dialogue; through consistent communication between countries around the world, conflict can be avoided as soon as it emerges. The United Nations General Assembly emphasizes eradicating conflict as soon as it generalizes the best peaceful conditions possible. In other means, the General Assembly acts as one significant moderator for the world, with sometimes progress observed. The United Nations also unites all member states in conferences to advocate for different resolutions and find the best agreement to move forward. Each participant has a place and can impact the motions put in place by the Assembly. Countries evolve, resolve conflicts, and foster peace together through this process. However, this is done in a particular way. To be debated, the motions need to be discussed with the entirety of the member states to ensure every delegate's voice is heard and every country's perspectives are considered.

General assembly’s main floor - Credits: UN

Main Role and Purpose 

Created in 1945, the Assembly comprises 193 member states responsible for policy making. As a highly representative body, the General Assembly can be considered the symbol of the United Nations as it serves as a forum for multilateral discussions on international issues, standard-setting, and codification of international law. Moreover, the General Assembly has numerous core functions and powers, but its way of working is more complex than we might think. Often perceived as a grand conference room where diplomats engage in complicated debates, The General Assembly is a much more complex structure that pulls together what the United Nations can achieve today.

A deeper understanding of its functions

The General Assembly takes care of a wide range of issues, whether they be about international peace, security, the economy, humanitarian issues, or legal matters. Discussions and recommendations for actions on peace, disarmament, human rights, and international cooperation are also put in place during its sessions, tackling ongoing issues that need solving and progress. Additionally, the Assembly oversees the UN budget's responsibility and its member states' financial contributions. They are also in charge of electing nonpermanent Security Council members, appointing the secretary general, and addressing the Security Council's recommendations. The General Assembly can also recommend measures for peace and security when the Security Council fails to act under the "Uniting for Peace" resolution. Therefore, the General Assembly plays a crucial role in the United Nations, making key decisions beyond mere discussion.  

Organisation of the General Assembly

Furthermore, the decision-making side of the Assembly remains its main component, as the debates are designed to resolve the issue as efficiently as possible. The conferences are orderly with specific rules; each Member State has one vote. Important decisions require a two-thirds majority; a simple majority or consensus decides others. The Assembly holds annual sessions and general debates, which they meet annually from September to December. Sessions are organized into regular sessions, special sessions, and emergency special sessions to respond to different degrees of urgency rising with different upcoming conflicts. In addition, the Assembly itself is divided into committees that serve different purposes. As the UN is in charge of many different aspects, the Assembly has adapted to how it can address those issues.  The first committee addresses disarmament and international security; the second, economic and financial issues; the third, social and humanitarian; the fourth, unique political and decolonization; the fifth, administrative and budgetary; and finally, the legal committee. Each committee is orchestrated by its member state, and a president is in charge of making decisions and ensuring this intricate Assembly runs smoothly. Subsidiary organs and regional groups facilitate specific tasks and electoral processes as well.

General Assembly’s actions through today's world and perspective 

The General Assembly has undertaken revitalization efforts, including streamlining its agenda, enhancing work methods, and increasing the authority of the President. While the UN has been effective in some fields, it has also faced challenges when trying to maintain peace in our current world. Furthermore, the United Nations was created in a post-World War II context where power balances were unchanged. International relations have shifted, and the General Assembly has to keep up with the rest of the world to remain effective. Therefore, while the General Assembly does its best to keep up with all the different categories of work it does, it cannot function perfectly, as the complexity of international relations cannot be ignored. The United Nations is forced to adapt and to keep pace with the quickly changing landscape of the international relations scene. 


The General Assembly is essential to the functioning of the United Nations. The conferences within this Assembly are the symbol of member states working together to try to find the most active solutions possible. While the effectiveness of this process has been questioned, the simplified communications created through the help of the General Assembly have greatly improved international relations in the past and present. It is one of the United Nations system's most vital and representative components. Each member state has the power to be represented as much as any other in the room, which significantly helps hearing voices and point of views often disregarded. Therefore, the General Assembly carries a tremendous moral and political influence on the rest of the world; the symbol of the General Assembly can often be perceived as the symbol of nations working together towards a better common future. Therefore, the General Assembly's presence is crucial to establishing multilateralism, peace, universality, equality, and dialogue in our ever-evolving world.



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